November 2013
November 24th, 2013 | by
Fran Watson | published in
*, November 2013
Crystal Night and The Boris Schatz Collection at Hebrew Union College October 11- January 31, 2014 by Fran Watson Art lifts, inspires, predicts the future and captures the past. The very pictorial basis of art makes this past ever-accessible, and permanent for widest world audience, preserving history in a way that mere words cannot. Yet […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Kevin T. Kelly | published in
*, November 2013
Manifest’s Tenth Anniversary By Kevin T. Kelly The November 8th opening at Manifest marked the gallery’s tenth anniversary as well as the grand opening of their much anticipated expansion, effectively doubling their exhibition space. For the past decade, Manifest has been challenging the continually shifting contemporary “brick and mortar” art gallery paradigm by defining and […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Matthew Metzger | published in
*, November 2013
Bruce Riley’s Science Fiction, at Miller Gallery by Matthew Metzger Bruce Riley’s lyrical, organic forms glow through layers of paint and resin, resembling something we can’t quite remember, materializing from a ground we can’t quite locate, coalescing with other forms, then receding back into the abyss. The coalescence is like the moment in between sleep […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Christine Huskisson | published in
*, November 2013
STEVE ARMSTRONG: 20 Years of Mystery and Wonder Celebrating an Acclaimed Artist’s Career November 15 – January 17, 2014 ArtsPlace Gallery 161 North Mill Street by Christine Huskisson When I turn the crank she plays her guitar and the lion, carved of yellow poplar, wags its tail, both seemingly moved by moonlight and melody. From […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Keith Banner | published in
*, November 2013
Clear as a Bell: Peter Halley at Solway Gallery By Keith Banner Sometimes I walk in the dead mall near where I live when I want to clear my head. Tranquility emanates from all the shut-down luxury, the rubbed-off logos above vast empty storefronts, the black-garbage-bagged entrances surrounded in high-gloss marble and hard-wood. […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Karen Chambers | published in
November 2013
“Aquachrome: Contemporary Watercolor,” Manifest Gallery By Karen Chambers I have always found watercolor to be a technically daunting medium, something I never wanted to try in undergrad as I worked toward a B. F. A. (Me? B. F. A.? My adviser said I needed to understand the problems visual artists faced as I pursued art […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Cynthia Kukla | published in
November 2013
LETTER FROM CHAMPAIGN: “RETURN TO SENDER” By Cynthia Kukla “I study cancellations, the manner in which the stamp is placed, the way the address is done…. It’s a marvelous art form, the letter – full of wonder and surprise.” Ray Johnson (1965) Mail Art and Ray Johnson remain vivid and remembered, owing to the […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Emil Robinson | published in
November 2013
Review of Degas Renoir and Poetic Pastels at the Cincinnati Art Museum By Emil Robinson Pastel has always been a contentious medium. Today most practitioners fall into the hobbyist variety. It is the bright color and ease of operation that attracts the serious and the idle alike. In the late 19th century, pastel experienced a […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Robert Wallace | published in
November 2013
Letter from Highland Heights: Moby-Dick Art by Matt Kish and Robert Del Tredici By Robert K. Wallace Moby-Dick seems to be everywhere these days. This month of November brought me three new examples. On November 1 PBS broadcast Jake Heggie and Gene Scheer’s Moby-Dick opera as part of its Great Performances series. A few days […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Jane Durrell | published in
November 2013
Outside/Inside By Jane Durrell Outside/Inside at Covington Arts is a show its curator, Jennifer Grote, conceives as an interaction between architecture (i.e. the space itself) and the art. Two of the artists take on that challenge with enthusiasm while the curator’s placement produces relationships with the surroundings for the other two. The exhibition’s title surely […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Lily Mulberry | published in
November 2013
Woven & Stitched: Renee Harris & JoAnne Russo By Lily Mulberry Basket weaving and embroidery are functional crafts used by people across the globe throughout history, and in this exhibition they are made as purposeful to fine art as painting or bronze sculpture. The artists’ use of these media ‘elevate’ the crafts to art, […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Shawn Daniell | published in
November 2013
KNOWN/UNKNOWN By Shawn Daniell Initially I was drawn to Thunder-Sky Gallery’s newest exhibit, SUPERUNKOWN: The Neo-Folk Impulse, because of the mysterious and surreal title. To me the title had a space-age mystery about it, as if I was about to step into a new, fantastical world in which things were not as they seem. Perhaps […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Chase Martin | published in
November 2013
North Meets South Carrie McGee and Jeffrey Cortland Jones By Chase Martin At first glance, Jeffrey Cortland Jones’ paintings are so quiet they are almost silent. Pale and intimately scaled, they seem practically empty. Most of his pieces are not much larger than a computer screen, and their smooth, layered surfaces evoke the cells of […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Dustin Pike | published in
November 2013
Geometrically Ordered Design: Wheel of the Taro By Dustin Pike “WHEEL AND—WHOA! The Great Wheel of Samsara. The Wheel of the Law. (Dhamma.) The Wheel of the Taro. The Wheel of the Heavens. The Wheel of Life. All these Wheels be one; yet of all these the Wheel of the TARO alone avails thee consciously. […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Saad Ghosn | published in
November 2013
“What is Contemporary Art and Why does it Matter?” by Saad Ghosn “Why Does Contemporary Art Matter?” or why does art in general or all art for that matter, matter. And is contemporary an adjective pertaining only to a certain category of art or does it apply to any art, making it a universal […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Saad Ghosn | published in
November 2013
ART FOR A BETTER WORLD by Saad Ghosn • Images For A Better World: Gena GRUNENBERG, Visual Artist Gena Grunenberg, a Cincinnati artist, initially studied graphic arts, switching later to fine arts. In addition to drawing and painting, she learned various techniques, including pottery, silkscreen, jewelry and stone setting… She uses them interchangeably in her […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Laura Hobson | published in
November 2013
Art in Bloom Shines at the Cincinnati Art Museum A Personal Essay By Laura A. Hobson For a pleasant journey to soak in flowers matching art masterpieces, I stopped by the Cincinnati Art Museum on November 7 to enjoy the opening of the seventh annual Art in Bloom show where professional and amateur florists chose […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Maxwell Redder | published in
November 2013
Poetry by Maxwell Redder MLR+DAM=MLR+DMR As our eyes meet they signify the trust we have earned, and I promise that that trust, which is excavated from the precious mines of our souls, will last beyond the life of stars. I promise that our love will remain a river: always flowing, always fueled. I promise […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
November 2013
Book Review by Daniel Brown Dave Eggers is one of the world’s most fascinating contemporary writers, as he is also a political activist of the most noble sort. His many activities which enhance the literary arts are all based out of Northern California, and includes a series of books about oral history violations of human […]
November 24th, 2013 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
November 2013
Letter from the Editor The November aeqai is mostly ready–columns by Jonathon Kamholtz on the French alabaster sculpture show at The Dayton Art Institute and by Keith Banner on the Peter Halley print show at Solway Gallery will be posted early in the week, so check those two additional columns out before you zone out […]