SOS ART 2012

May 23rd, 2012  |  Published in Announcements

A community art show and event of creative expressions for Peace and Justice June 1 – 10 at The Art Academy of Cincinnati, 1212 Jackson St, downtown Cincinnati.  Program of Events (FREE and Open to the Public).

Friday June 1

6pm: Opening of the Art show

7pm: Introductory notes by Jay Zumeta, Art historian and Professor, Art Academy of Cincinnati; followed by Gallery Walk/Artists Talk

9pm: Potluck Reception and Music Entertainment with the “Lastboppers”

Saturday June 2

7pm: Poetry reading facilitated by Donelle Dreese, poet

9:15-9:45pm: Performance by Jim Luken of a cutting from The Fever, a play by Wallace Shawn about a middle-class man’s visit to a war zone in a third-world country and how it affected him.

Sunday June 3

2-5pm: Art workshop for youth: Creating Art for Change, led by Cedric Cox and Gary Gaffney, artists and educators.

Friday June 8

7-10pm: Occupy Cincinnati, a celebratory art and social event with documentaries, music, performances, and food; all are invited.

Saturday June 9

7pm: Poetry reading facilitated by Jerry Judge, poet

9:15-9:45pm: Solo dance performance for Peace and Justice by Tadashi Kato, Japanese dancer/choreographer

9:45-10:15pm: Prisoner of War: Before and After, solo dance performance by Isabelle Provosty, dancer/choreographer

Sunday June 10

2pm: Movie: War Photographer, a 96 min documentary by Christian Frei about the American photographer James Nachtwey, his motivation, fears and daily routine as a war photographer; followed by a discussion led by Katie Rentzke with participation of Gordon Baer and Melvin Grier, photojournalists.

4:45-6pm: Closing potluck reception

Art Gallery Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9am – 6pm

Friday and Saturday: 9am – midnight

Sunday: noon – 6pm


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