Please Join Us For
Art Shapes Us
Opening Reception
Saturday February 16th at the Children’s Learning Center in the Main Library
2pm – 4pm
In conjunction with the Weston Art Gallery exhibition Straight from the Soul: the paintings and sculpture of Kevin Cole, myself along with Pamela and Lennell Rhodes Myricks and artist/educator Marcus Fletcher, hosted Art Shapes Us at the Main Public Library. The spirit of the classes which ran from January 5th through the 26th was inspired by the life and art of Professor Tarrence Corbin who was a mentor and friend to us all. Now the finished works of art will be reveled this Saturday February 16th at 2pm in the Children’s Learning Center in the Main Library.
Art Shapes Us
Saturday February 16th
2pm – 4pm
Childrens learning center
Main Public Library of Hamilton County and Cincinnati
800 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH