Lloyd Library and Museum – www.lloydlibrary.org
Media Contact: Anna Heran, Outreach Coordinator
513-721-3707, aheran@lloydlibrary.org
917 Plum St. | Cincinnati, OH 45202
Curtis Gates Lloyd Research Fellowship – Three Recipients Announced for 2015/16
Cincinnati, OH – May 28, 2015: The Lloyd continues its tradition of promoting both academic and artistic research in Cincinnati with its latest round of Fellowship Awardees. This endeavor serves to highlight Cincinnati as a destination for research, because this locally little-known library has patrons from around the world and holds materials that are not often available elsewhere, either in the United States or beyond that are invaluable in reconstructing our American past, in inspiring new artistic works, and forwarding downtown Cincinnati’s mission to provide cultural enrichment for Cincinnatians and the world.
The Library received many qualified applications for the Curtis Gates Lloyd Fellowship on a variety of fascinating topics. The Lloyd received another round of qualified and interesting project applications for this year’s Fellowship cycle. Applicants were from all over the United States and covered a host of topics. We chose the cream of the crop and look forward to what they will be working on:
Katherine Fiorelli, Historian, University of Cincinnati (MA-2015): Fiorelli will be completing a research project entitled, “Medicine and the Great War, a Time of Radical Change?” which will examine the treatment of mental health issues (post-traumatic stress disorder, primarily) during World War I. During her 2-month stay at the Lloyd, Fiorelli will examine historic texts and archival holdings to gain insight into the development of medicine and mental health treatment during the war. With a brief flashback at the US Civil War, she will contextualize our understanding of what war’s effect on soldiers really was.
Adam Frezza & Terri Chiao, Artists, New York City: Frezza and Chiao are an artistic duo from Brooklyn, New York. They focus on the natural world, both as inspiration and source material, with playful, whimsical results. They will spend a month exploring the Lloyd’s vast botanical book collections, which will be the jumping off point for a new series of drawings and paintings. They are especially interested in the medicinal properties of plants and how to convey that through art.
Yvonne Morriss, Historian, University of Notre Dame (Ph.D. – 2013): Morriss will be studying a pair of 18th century brother landscapers in her project, “Light and Sight in the Garden.” This research will provide information for several chapters in a new book Morriss is working on, including information on historical plant studies, Thomas Knight’s publications (he is one of the brothers), and the influence of the other brother, Richard, on landscape design.
Fellows will be expected to deliver a brief lecture concerning their findings. Artists will also be expected to exhibit their artistic works resulting from this research. Dates and times will be announced at a later time.
About the Lloyd: The Lloyd Library and Museum, a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, is a local and regional cultural treasure, which began in the 19th century as a research library for Lloyd Brothers Pharmacists, Inc., one of the leading pharmaceutical companies of the period. Our mission is to collect and maintain a library of botanical, medical, pharmaceutical, and scientific books and periodicals, and works of allied sciences that serve the scientific research community, as well as constituents of the general public, through library services and programming that bring science, art, and history to life. For more information, visit the Lloyd website at www.lloydlibrary.org.