Calling all photographers! What stories do your photos tell?

July 17th, 2013  |  Published in Announcements

PDN and See.Me invite you to be a part of the 4th annual One Life Photography Competition:

What Does the World Look Like Through Your Lens?
Share Your Vision with ONE LIFE for a Chance at $75,000 in Prizes

Click Here to Participate

Join today for a chance to earn a Trip Around the World, plus:
NYC Gallery Exhibition | $25,000 Cash Grant | Two-Page Spread in PDN Magazine

Presented by PDN and See.Me, One Life is a juried, international photography competition open to all backgrounds, styles and perspectives. With $75,000 in prizes and awards, the 4th annual One Life Photo Competition is your opportunity to share your vision for a chance to earn worldwide exposure and life-changing reward.

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