December 2017 Issue of Aeqai Online

December 23rd, 2017  |  Published in Announcements

The December Aeqai has just posted.  It’s full of reviews from the region, and from cities as far away as both Paris and Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Seattle. (Whenever Aeqai writers travel, we encourage them to review shows wherever they may be).  We start this issue with Jonathan Kamholtz’s brilliant review of the recently opened Albrecht Durer print show at Cincinnati Art Museum, and continue with Cynthia Kukla’s superb review of veteran Cincinnati painter Frank Hermann’s new work at The Weston Gallery in The Aronoff Center for the Arts.  Cincinnati photography maven William Messer was in Paris and gives a long and erudite look at an extensive photography collection owned by by Marin Karmitz,  at the about to be closed la maison rouge there.  Karen Chambers then reviews the work of quilter Heather Jones at The Taft Museum of Art, following upon her review last month of the large quilt show from America and Great Britain at The Taft.  My annual “Best Fiction” list follows; this year, I’ve got 12 “best”, followed by my “also recommended” list. (I don’t read much nonfiction in books–mainly in magazines–so I don’t offer such a list).

George Saitoh returns with another look at the work of Japanese artist Tatsuya Tatsuka in Tokyo, which is part of an occasional series from that city.  New Aeqai critic Ekin Erkan was in New York looking at art shows, and offers his  astute and theoretical review of work by J J Brine at The Vector Gallery in Brooklyn: it’s quite a show….Martha Dunham’s review from Seattle this month examines beautiful work by Kathy Gore Fuss at Prographica/FDR Gallery.  Matt Metzger traveled to Miami to check out the Miami Basel show, and offers us an overview of some of the work he saw and/or admired there.     Megan Bickel offers two reviews from Louisville, one of work by Bruce Connor at The Speed Museum, and the other of work at Zephyr Gallery there.

In other cities, Annabel Osberg writes a brilliant review/critique of a show based upon a mural of Prometheus at Claremont College, just south of Los Angeles: hers  is a model of flawless critical writing.  Joelle Jameson’s often hilarious review from Boston concerns her attempt to spend a half hour staring at three different works of art, with varying success.

Amy Bogard reviews  new work by Doug McGlumphy, called “Regular Guy”, at The Weston Gallery in The Aronoff Center for the Arts, and Jane Durrell looks at “Evergreens” at the wonderful Lloyd Library in downtown Cincinnati.  Fashion critic Jennifer Perusek offers some thoughts about the future of fur in fashion in this month’s fashion essay, in light of new technological advances in fashion design.  Architecture critic Stewart Maxwell offers his astute thoughts on the new Covington Hotel, formerly Koppen’s Department Store, in Covington (whose Koppen’s Restaurant has been garnering rave reviews).  Feature writer Laura Hobson offers a look at the wonderful American Sign Museum, here in Cincinnati.  Aeqai also reprints two articles from Megan Bickel’s blog fivedotscincinnati, too. And Kent Krugh offers photos by Tori Garne in this month’s fotofolio.

We hope you find the December issue eclectic and stimulating, and we’ll be back in the third week of February with one combined Jan/Feb. issue, and then we’ll resume monthly coverage again in March.  In the meantime, have good holidays, and send us your comments.  To go directly to the site, click  Thanks.

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