
Conversation on Another Ground

Not Gallery  is an artist-run space in East Austin presided over by Alex Diamond. since 2014. The gallery is located in a warehouse industrial garage, part of a row of segmented spaces all outfitted with large garage bay doors. The complex is home to several other galleries and artist studios including ATM Gallery and February […]

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Rachel Hellerich’s Present Phase at New Haven Artspace April 6-28

When I saw Rachel Hellerich’s paintings for the first time online I was mesmerized by the combination of styles. To find so many of my personal tastes intersecting neatly felt uncanny. I could see the tropes heavily laid in the landscapes of Japanese ukiyo-e woodcuts. I could identify the plastic oscillation of Victor Vasarely. Each […]

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An Interview With Jessica Cannon about FAR X WIDE a New Initiative in Fundraising Fueled by Contemporary Art

  I have known Jessica Cannon now for nearly two and a half years.  We met through instagram, which is the lightning rod for image based culture and the social community that revolves around it. I loved the way Jes painted landscapes, untethered as if everything might turn into snow, or as if mutated by […]

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The Material Girls’ Exhibition XOXO at the Museum of Human Achievement

The Material Girls’ exhibition XOXO opened at the Museum of Human Achievement (MOHA) on the 19th of January and remained there until the 28th. I discovered the Material Girls through Gracelee Lawrence who is part of the collective and with whom I also attended Guilford College. Rather coincidentally we both ended up in Texas for […]

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Angela Teng’s “To Have and to Hold” at Equinox Gallery, Vancouver, BC

Angela Teng’s To Have and to Hold opened on the 13th of May at Equinox Gallery, Vancouver, BC, and closed on the 17th of June. Teng’s monolithic crocheted paintings are composed of literal strands of acrylic paint, effectively colliding materiality and paint in the substrate of work that historically, and in many contemporary contexts too, […]

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Gailan Ngan’s Moonlighting Papel and a selection of painting by Alison Yip Nagazussa at Monte Clark Gallery

Gailan Ngan’s Moonlighting Papel opened at Monte Clark Gallery in Vancouver, BC on the first of June and closed on the thirtieth of the same month. In conjunction with Ngan’s exhibition, Monte Clark also exhibited the work of Alison Yip Hagazussa for the same duration. Both artists showed thoughtful bodies of work that felt mature […]

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Amélie Ducommun’s “Unfolding Memories” at Winsor Gallery in Vancouver, BC

Amélie Ducommun’s Unfolding Memories opened at Winsor Gallery in Vancouver, BC on June tenth and was exhibited through July eighth. I happened upon the gallery as I was making my way around the Vancouver gallery scene with my friend and fellow painter Danielle Roberts. We were making a B-Line for Catriona Jeffries and stopped into […]

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Would you like a Lozenge? A Studio Visit with Angela Heisch

As this past semester of graduate school ended, I was not sure if I would make the trip to New York or not. My anxiety was forestalling my plans as it often does, and I was tether balling the idea back and forth and around in my mind with heavy hands. Travel always makes me […]

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Mary DeVincentis’ “Fables of the Reconstruction”

While I was in New York, during my second day in the city, I finished a studio visit with Angela Heisch, and headed to David & Schweitzer Contemporary to see Mary DeVincentis’ paintings in a group show called Fables of the Reconstruction. The title of the exhibition is taken from the R.E.M. album of the […]

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A Gross Mishandling of the Female Nude, From Cool to Warm, Anselm Kiefer at Gagosian New York

During my last Saturday in New York I was fortunate to spend the day with perhaps my oldest friend Tania whom I have known for fourteen years. She is true-blue, perhaps one of the better people I’ve been fortunate to know in my life. I slept on an air mattress in her living room while […]

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Sara Willadsen LESS GLOOM

Sara Willadsen’s Less Gloom opened at the Rockford University Art Gallery on March twentieth and closed on April twenty-second. I have admired Sara’s work from afar, through the byways of social media for some time now, and I just can’t stay away from it any more. I have admired the work without understanding it apparently. […]

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Rachel Fischer LOW TIDE

Rachel Fischer’s installation at Box 13 Art Space in Houston, in the Front Box, opened on the eighteenth of March and closed on the twenty-second of April. Oddly enough I was headed to Houston on the day of the closing reception and was somewhat dismayed to have missed it by a couple of hours. I […]

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Caroline Wells Chandler: Crocheting Utopia

This essay hopes to provide readers a theoretical analysis of the queer abstraction of Caroline Wells Chandler (b.1985), a contemporary New York painter. The methodology of the essay will operate from a queer feminist vantage point orienting Chandler’s work within the futurity of the late José Esteban Munõz (1967-2013) in Cruising Utopia, the then and […]

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Ella Weber – Artist Profile

I stumbled across the work of Ella P. Weber on Instagram. I was thumbing through my feed as I normally do. I was feeling listless, waiting on laundry, my mind in a spin cycle from the shaken wake of the past week’s governmental proceedings. I was looking for an out. It’s been feeling most important […]

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Camille Iemmolo’s The Lonely Stage

Camille Iemmolo’s The Lonely Stage opened at Thomas Master’s Gallery in Chicago on September ninth, and closed on the twenty-third. Importantly perhaps, this exhibition is returning of sorts because Iemmolo’s first solo exhibition was with Master’s some years ago. The exhibit was a collaborative effort between Iemmolo and famed Welsh ex-pat, Chicago painter, musician and […]

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Michael Krueger’s Nondoing

Michael Krueger (pronounced Kreeeger) has shown parts of the same body of work entitled Nondoing in two different places lately.  Both exhibitions were two person shows: The first was held at Plant House Gallery in Midtown Manhattan which also featured Elizabeth Ferrill;  it was called Possible Blueprint and ran from September thirteenth until the twenty-first […]

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Michael Scoggins’ Americansim at Weil Gallery

Michael Scoggins’ Americansim opened at the Weil Gallery on September sixteenth and ran through the eighteenth of October.  Scoggins’ exhibited work dates as far back as 2007, and it’s absolutely soul shaking how relevant these images have remained especially as I regard them now in lieu of the results of the presidential election. Nobody thought […]

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Molly Bounds’ Panes: A Study in Motion

Molly Bounds’ Panes: A Study in Motion opened on July 1st at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Denver, CO. I landed in Denver at nine o’clock on the morning of Tuesday the sixteenth of August, having flown overnight from Portland. It was my second visit to Denver and the latter of two visits with […]

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Jorge Alegria Heaven At Rockport Center for the Arts

Jorge Alegría’s Heaven opened at the Rockport Center for the Arts’ Garden Gallery on August sixth, with a closing on the third of September. The artist has been living in Corpus Christi for many years and although he’s flirted with accredited institutions, he’s never felt like he needed a degree to bolster his reputation. The […]

Third Coast National Juried Exhibition

On September second K-Space Contemporary opened its tenth annual Third Coast National juried exhibition.  The exhibition will remain installed until the fourteenth of October. The exhibition has been historically curated by a long list of Texas heavyweights and this year the juror was well renowned Texas artist Sharon Kopriva who boasts a remarkable oeuvre in […]

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Lisette Chavez’s “Three Hail Marys, Two Our Fathers”

Lisette Chavez’s Three Hail Marys, Two Our Fathers opened on San Antonio’s Second Saturday, July 9th at Provenance Gallery located at 1906 South Flores St. Provenance Gallery is located within a much larger complex. It’s a warehouse of sorts, situated around a railroad crossing, full of other gallery spaces and artists’ studios opened to the […]

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Make or Break: Oscar Guerra

Make or Break: Recent Work by Oscar Guerra opened at Silkwörm on July 9th on San Antonio’s Second Saturday and featured a healthy selection of Guerra’s paintings and collage works. Inasmuch as there are paintings and collages, Guerra thinks of almost everything he does as part of the same process which he considers to be […]

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TODT’s Hopeful Monster at Hudson Jones Gallery

TODT’s Hopeful Monster opened at Hudson Jones Gallery at 1110 Alfred St. in Cincinnati’s industrial pocket, Camp Washington, on the 21st of May, beginning what is sure to be an exciting extension of the curatorial oeuvre of gallery director Angela Jones. TODT is an artist collective that originally consisted of four members: Brother, Brother, Sister, […]

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Aaron Skolnick’s Running Where We Stand

Aaron Skolnick’s Running Where We Stand opened Friday June 3rd at Glacier Gallery at 1107 Harrison Gallery in Cincinnati’s Brighton district. To put it lightly Skolnick is an intensely intelligent human being, both intellectually and visually, his work operating as he put it, like “a potato with many different tubers, variously intertwined.” He references, expounds, […]

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Target: Texas – The Meaning of Mixed

Target: Texas—The Meanings of Mixed is exhibiting at the South Texas Museum of Art in Corpus Christi from the twelfth of May until the twenty-first of August. The show is a thoughtfully curated exposé on the nature of mixed media works soured entirely from the Lone Star State. The works featured are incredibly diverse and […]

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Ryan O’Malley’s exhibition SHAPESHIFTER opened on April twelfth and is on display at Austin’s Flatbed Press and Gallery through May thirty-first. O’Malley is the printmaking professor at Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi. His imagery is complex and carries a stern longevity of idea. This idea has remained constant through the majority of O’Malley’s professional oeuvre […]

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Expanding Our Empathy

Dan Heskamp’s MFA exhibition Expanding Our Empathy opened on May fifth in Texas A&M Corpus Christi’s Weil Gallery. The exhibition featured a variety of media culminating his terminal education in an enormously successful display of woodcut light-boxes, aluminum and bronze cast altar pieces displaying locally sourced animal skeletons, and a series of smaller serigraphs. Heskamps’s […]

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Binary Harmonies

Binary Harmonies was one of the more carefully assembled exhibitions of printmaking on display at this year’s Southern Graphics Conference International in the ever-eccentric Portland, Oregon. It opened on April second at Disjecta Contemporary Art Center. It didn’t even rain, and the exhibition was a joy. Dylan McManus curated the exhibition through the aesthetic interface […]

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Carlos Hernandez Hard Luck Honky Tonk

Hard Luck Honky Tonk showcases the devilish and defiant screen printing of Carlos Hernandez at Austin’s premier venue for the printed multiple, Flatbed Press and Gallery. Importantly, Hernandez has been synonymous with his shop Burning Bones Press in Houston, TX for six years now in partnership with one-time Flatbed Master Printmaker, Pat Masterson. Burning Bones […]

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