February 2014
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Kevin Muente | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Kevin Muente Recent Paintings by Jason John at Manifest Gallery Manifest Gallery is entering its tenth season in Cincinnati and its reputation continues to grow both nationally and internationally. Their website states that Jason John’s solo show of eleven works was one of six proposals selected from a pool of 165. John delivers. When […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Matthew Metzger | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Matthew Metzger Editor’s Note: Aeqai receives an increasingly large number of press releases for exhibitions in other cities. So we thought we would experiment, and try to review one from afar, without the direct experience of seeing it live. The first review, by Matt Metzger, is of a show by Ryan Coburn at the […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Danelle Cheney | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Danelle Cheney Comic books firmly straddle the space between visual art and literature. They are unique in format: the visuals are just as important to understanding the story as the words (unlike a traditional book, which may be republished several times with differing sets of illustrations). There are even some which include absolutely no […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Keith Banner | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Keith Banner Hollis Hammonds has close encounters of the terrestrial kind in her new show at DAAP Galleries called “Worthless Matter.” A stockpile and survey of her recent work, the show displays Hammonds’ skills at drawing and lets us in on a consciousness that is both vividly sedate to the point of entrancement, and […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Julie Gross | published in
*, February 2014, Profiles
by Julie Gross It all started with a Facebook post that read, “Buy or Burn: A one-night, solo art show like none other. All of Joshua Huettig’s paintings must be bought or they will be burned. There will be dancing, fire, music and wine will be served by the gallon!” When I first read this, […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Shawn Daniell | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Shawn Daniell CUT: Windows to Eternity, the newest exhibition at the Marta Hewett Gallery, features the artwork of Eric Standley. When I first saw Standley’s artwork, I immediately thought of the matryoshka doll, commonly referred to as Russian nesting dolls. Russian nesting dolls are made of wood while Standley’s creations are made of laser […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Marlene Steele | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Marlene Steele Life is a box of chocolates— You never know what you are going to get. Love letters, love birds, bottled passion and romance — this lighthearted look at the thread of romance in all phases of life and experience is as varied in message and medium as the artists selected to exhibit. […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Jan Brown Checco | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Jan Brown Checco If you are a working artist living in Cincinnati, and you don’t have a salaried position within one of our prestigious arts institutions, you know how difficult it is to live from commission to commission, adjunct position to street fair, open studio sales evening to short-term project. There are thousands of […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Daniel Brown We are regularly informed that the arts have become big business; the investment potential of a work of art has become far more important in late capitalist culture than whether the art is any good, what it says, how it’s made, or whether it matters. It may surprise people under 50 that […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Christopher Hoeting | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Christopher Hoeting The College Art Association just wrapped up its annual meeting at the Westin Hotel (February 12-15th) inside Chicago’s Loop, just six blocks south from of The Art Institute of Chicago. The conference highlights the academies offering of artist talks, panel discussions, workshops, interviewing sessions, and a book fair among other things. Or […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Saad Ghosn | published in
*, February 2014, Profiles
by Saad Ghosn I. Images For A Better World: Leigh WALTZ, Visual Artist Born in Dayton, Ohio, Leigh Waltz took drawing lessons at an early age. In high school, he traveled through Europe and spent a year on the island of Borneo. There, he learned photography and darkroom techniques with Amarjit Singh, a local photographer. […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Louis Z. Bickett | published in
*, February 2014
The Gratz Park Project, November 6, 2009, The Archive of Louis Zoellar Bickett […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Fran Watson | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Fran Watson Patterson Center was packed to the brim with the most difficult people in the city: artists. Mostly lady artists. Each of whom knew in her heart of hearts that she was vastly underrated and pushing valiantly to right this obvious wrong. I was one of these, as determined and convinced of my […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Daniel Brown Gary Shteyngart is a veritable force of nature, a whirlwind of words, anxiety, mania. Having spent the first seven years of his life in the old Soviet Union, in Leningrad, he and his parents emigrated to America during Carter’s presidency. Carter traded grain to the Soviet Union in trade for letting millions […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
*, February 2014, On View
by Daniel Brown In the past two years or so, America has generated some fantastic new young writers, among them Amber Dermott, Jim Gavin, Jamie Quatro, Eleanor Henderson, Chad Harwick all come to mind. Now, there is the remarkable Jenny Offill, she of the unfortunate name, with her second novel, Dept. of Speculation. When a […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
*, February 2014, Uncategorized
by Daniel Brown Our family’s car drove by A small white sign Bordered in black Placed by the side of the road Covered with masses of wildflowers Vermont, it said Green mountains dusted the horizon At fourteen, my soul lept Towards the home I’d just found.
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Maxwell Redder | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by Maxwell Redder I Two cardinals and a murder of crows distinctly chatting between neighboring branches; barren minus twisting auburn vines slunk like somnolent tails, and an occasional jostling squirrel. Snow swallows hooves as a deer herd leaps along my father’s fence. II True, a fence is like an hourglass: flipped one way to […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
David Schloss | published in
*, Features, February 2014
by David Schloss It was a rather good year for films, to my pleasant surprise. I found myself making meta-value judgments to sort out all the contenders, so many of which had many serious merits. It was a pleasure. 1. American Hustle. Great serious screwball script that sustains its complicated logic throughout. Great ensemble cast, […]
February 23rd, 2014 | by
Daniel Brown | published in
*, February 2014
The February issue of aeqai has just been posted, and we hope that you find some of our new essays informative. We are attempting to link the reviews we write with other issues going on in our community in the visual arts, with how the city is or isn’t integrating the arts into the wider […]
February 22nd, 2014 | by
drew1 | published in
*, Features, February 2014
By Drew Klein Performance art is so “in” right now. Just ask Jay Z, or Lady Gaga, or Shia LaBeouf. Each of these figures of contemporary pop culture have recently dipped their toes (or jumped headfirst into a fiery lake of PR hell) into the world of performance art. Or, at least that’s what they […]