June 2011

Editor’s Corner, June

June 16th, 2011  |  by  |  published in June 2011

The June issue of AEQAI presents the first of a new, and ongoing, essays by area artists, asked by AEQAI to select one work of art from the permanent collection of either the Cincinnati Art Museum or the Taft Museum, and to tell our readers why it is important to him or her. Painter Cole […]

For A Better World: SOS Art

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Features, June 2011

For A Better World: SOS Art

Saad Ghosn Mobilizes Hundreds of Artists Yet Again Lady Liberty returns. Not the Neoclassical colossus on Liberty Island. It is the shrieking girl with the liberty spikes on the S.O.S. ART posters plastered all over downtown. S.O.S. ART is a rally cry for peace and justice, which began in March of 2003 just as the […]

Art For Change

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in *, June 2011, Profiles

Art For Change

Saad Ghosn – Art For Change as a Non-juried Enterprise Walking into the interior of Saad Ghosn’s house near The Cincinnati Zoo carries an almost physical impact, shifting from the bright leafy world of his front walk to shady rooms replete with colorful and exuberant art, some of it his own. This is the ninth […]

A Star is Born

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in *, June 2011, On View

A Star is Born

A Star is Born:  the Douglas S. Cramer Collection at the CAM. If you go to the Cincinnati Art Museum this summer you will see artwork from the contemporary art collection of Hollywood producer Douglas S. Cramer in two separate exhibition areas:  one just upon passing the entrance foyer, where the Museum often houses small-scale […]

Gerhard Richter

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in Digest, June 2011

Gerhard Richter

                      Æqai is asking a variety of area artists to select one work of art from the permanent collection of either the Cincinnati Art Museum or the Taft Museum of Art, and tell our readers why it is important to him or her.  Cole Carothers, […]

Looking Back

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in *, Digest, June 2011

Looking Back

U-turn’s organizers reflect upon their “medicine for misanthropy.” (The following interview took place Sunday, June 14, 2011 in U-turn’s gallery in Brighton. Attending were the five organizers of U-turn, in alphabetical order: Molly Donnermeyer, Matt Morris, Patricia Murphy, Zach Rawe and Eric Ruschman. All are graduates of the Art Academy of Cincinnati. For the sake […]

Versoza’s World

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in June 2011, On View

Versoza's World

                        “All things resist being written down,” Franz Kafka writes in an October 13, 1913 diary entry.  Joey Versoza’s 2011artworks survey that resistance – objects refusing to go along with meaning, and meaning finding its way out of the experience of seeing.  It’s hermeneutics […]

Insects and Astronauts:

June 15th, 2011  |  by  |  published in June 2011, On View

Insects and Astronauts:

Jeff Casto’s “Future Tense” at 1305 Gallery Jeff Casto’s shadowboxes and assemblages in “Future Tense,” his current exhibit at 1305 Gallery ending July 15, 2011, conjure Joseph Cornell’s Utopia Parkway workshop, as well as Pee Wee Herman’s Playhouse, extracting wistfulness from detritus, seriousness from folly.  The toys, junk and other materials used in Casto’s art […]